Meet our consultants

Honest | Approachable | Professional

The SHE Advises team is honest, approachable and professional and we look forward to fulfilling your support and training requirements.

We work together to ensure that at every step of your journey, you have access to the most appropriate advice for your organisation’s needs.

All our team are selected and developed using our own Competency Model to ensure we can easily identify our skill sets and the areas we need to focus on for our own continual professional development.

It is this attitude and approach that we believe sets us apart from other providers.

Natasha Wales-Dixon | Director/Consultant

Natasha is the owner of SHE Advises Ltd and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). She is an OSCHR registered consultant and has been in the health and safety sector for many years. Natasha really loves getting to know our clients, understanding their business and helping them with any challenges they may face.


Jenny Saltmarsh | Senior Health & Safety Advisor

Having been brought up in farming,  Jenny didn’t want to work inside and so gravitated towards the construction Industry. Jenny has worked for client’s, contractors and sub-contractors before working for two local authorities, one in social housing and the second for port health. Jenny enjoys working alongside our clients to empower and upskill them in Health & Safety. Jenny is a Certified member of IOSH, with a degree in Construction Management.
If Jenny doesn’t answer her phone she will be swimming!

Health and Safety Construction



John Roderick | Health and Safety Advisor

John’s background in the fire service places him really well for advising our clients on emergency preparedness and fire safety. This together with his health and safety best practice experience, means he can support many of our smaller clients on accreditations and developing training documentation.  John loves empowering our clients to help them manage their own health & safety.

Louise Humphreys | Business Manager

Louise has considerable experience with training management having previously worked within corporate, charitable and private sectors.  She also has experience in legal, marketing, debt recovery and customer services making her an invaluable member of our team.

Joel Couch | Health and Safety Advisor

Joel is an experienced health and safety advisor having worked in both the construction and public sectors.  He brings an enthusiastic approach to health and safety ensuring clients are happy and compliant.  Joel believes his interpersonal skills are key to providing the best service.

Hayley Goddard | Consultant

Hayley has had direct experience managing large operational and transport contracts. She is also a Chartered Resource & Waste Manager at the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM). Hayley has managed and worked within the public and private sectors and is truly passionate about all things health, safety and environment.  Always smiling and always happy for a chat.


Many of our training options are accredited and the team work to ensure that we are able to provide the best training in line with these accreditation standards.

Alongside our own accreditation’s for NEBOSH and IOSH approved courses we also work with our clients to assist them with achieving their own accreditation’s through CHAS, Safe contractor and other SSIP schemes.

Drop us a line if you would like to talk about how we can help.

IOSH Approved Training Provider logo